Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Open Mics & Performance Opportunities


CONTACT: (Karien de Waal / 845 667 9638 /

I WANT TO HOLD A FUNDRAISER SHOW - And am looking for singer/songwriters who would like to particpate in such an event - it would be a suggested donation of $5-$10 for the show.  I am still to secure a venue, but wanted to know if anyone would be willing to perform for a GREAT cause!!!  First week of November probably.

The organization is called TOSTAN.  Check out, and this little video to understand what it's about - in a nutshell, it's a 30 month program in which the participating village receives all-round education and microfinance, health and human rights training.  The main outcome, besides literacy and micro finance, is that over 5,000 villages that have participated in t he program have stopped performing Female Genital Cutting (FGC) and forced/child marraige in the villages.  This is a remarkable breakthrough through education, as these practices have been going on for 2000 years or more.   It costs $12.000 to fund the entire 30-month program.  That's less than one semester at school - to CHANGE peoples lives totally :)

Let me know, thanks!


The club's very own James Garry is putting together Open Mic and Performance Nights at Boloco, which means you should go out to perform and/or support the event.  If you have questions about the open mic, email James at:

Boloco is opening its doors to musicians of all sizes, sounds, and skill levels; live music is back at Boloco! Every Thursday night will be a "performance night" with 2-3 pre-booked headlining acts. Those brave enough to come out and show their stuff during an open mic might just be lucky enough to score a spot in one of our Thursday night showcases later in the year.

Open mics start next Wednesday (September 22nd) and sign-ups start that evening at 5:30pm, so grab your gear and head on down to Boloco.

Check out the official Boloco Song while you wait for Thursday! 

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